Namaste, iam Rebecca Burns, Don’t overdo it!

What Happens When You Add Too Much Mass To A White Dwarf? [Solved]

The fate of a white dwarf Increasing the white dwarf’s mass can have some interesting results. One possibility is that the added mass could cause it to collapse into a much denser neutron star. A far more explosive result is the Type 1a supernova (opens in new tab).4 Mar 2022

What is the Chandrasekhar limit for White Dwarf Stars?

This video provides a simplified step by step derivation of the Chandrasekhar limit for

Calculating the (approximate) maximum mass of a white dwarf

Intended as a worked example for the ASTR204, introduction to astrophysics class at Haverford College (which has a pre-req of a …

Stellar Physics 4e: Max Neutron Star Mass (Revisited)

In this video